Saturday, May 8, 2010

2nd Nigerian President to die in office

This is the second time, a Nigerian president will die in office, but this is the first time I am personally mourning a presidential death. Now, I cannot say the same for my fellow Nigerians, as they have grumbled and complained about this man, however I choose to acknowledge his transparency over any accomplishments expected of him, as no Nigerian president in history has ever publicly declared his assets upon taking office, save Y'aradua. And I think this speaks volume and attests to this man's integrity. Sadly, many Nigerians mistook him as a miracle worker, and expected him to fix decades of problems (caused by greedy pot bellied agbayas), in one term. Anyway, I am opting to sympathize and mourn his death just like his family and close friends will. R.I.P Mr. President
Naomie Fals has spoketh, yet again xoxo~

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Writer's block....New happenings

How does one get over a "writer's block"? What is a writer's block anyway? For some time now, I believe I've been claiming to have writers block, which might have been true two years ago while I was doing my senior thesis, wait I think what I had then was more like a brain freeze than a block. Anyway, I love to write and I do. Writing for me is like letting a kid have whatever candy at the candy shop, my mind/imagination just runs wild (and I know that's true for many writers as well). And when I do write, there is no censorship whatsoever, I let it flow and come out just how my mind processes it. However of late, I realized that my brain/mind/thought process (whatever) censors out what I want to write, and that creates a hurdle/barrier for me to write freely. Is that the writer's block thing?....It is so frustrating wanting to write something and never finish it, because something in me is restricting it! I have to break this hold whatever it is......

Now I am pretty excited for new things happening in my life!! And oh I have to say this, there is a new African Theatre that just opened in city, Minneapolis, MN! called "Olurombi Theatre Company", and I am so stoked about it. This is the first theatre in MN that will exclusively, concentrate on African literature/stories/culture. It has been long overdue considering the rapid growth of African immigrants in Minnesota now, it's high time the culture makes its debut. Anyway, I am very involved in the development of this new company, and I will make sure to bring you updates often. And oh, the theatre is gearing up for its first production August 2010, and is starting to audition for a cast of their those of you in the twin cities area, let me know if you are interested so I can link you up with those in charge.

Anyway that's all for now, I have to go and fix this block/hold/freeze that's barring me from writing freely aarrrgggghhh!!

Until later, Namie Fals has spoketh, xoxo~

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Bad blogger gets a wake up call from an ardent follower

WOW!!! It has been a whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiile!!! I have to be the worst blogger in the world! I mean, has it been a year really, since my last blog entry? really? Alright, I guess I can't make any promises of weekly entry, but I'll try as much as possible to make frequent ones. Thanks to a wake up call (literally) from a self proclaimed "ardent" follower, wow who knew I had loving and faithful!! Anyway, a Lot's happened since my last entry I don't even  know what to Say or where to start.

But I will say this, LIFE is a great teacher! Either yours or others, one way or the other you learn something constantly. Now I know for a certain that you can never, ever stop learning, EVER! And this has been sort of an addiction for me, wanting and craving knowledge of some sort. And it cold be anything, from learning how Indians make their curry rice to wanting to understand Cleopatra's state of mind, when she decided to eradicate her whole family.

Speaking of culture and historical figures, I have developed this obsession with the era of Henry VIII of England, thanks to the brilliant Showtime series The Tudors, however I am sad the last season is going to be over in a few weeks....*deep sigh*. Also, I don't know when I started this love affair with the Indian culture, but I am fascinated by it, from their movies to music to their food, and even their general outlook on life. This love affair definitely calls for a visit to the Country of India real soon!

Having seen quite a number of Bollywood productions, it just makes me weep(not really) for the so called Nollywood productions, I mean MOST of their movies are just insults to one's intelligence. Now I do know that there are some productions like some of Emem Isong's ones, that are trying to set a new tone for Nollywood, but I just wish all these so called (self proclaimed) writers, producers, directors and actors will do their homework and research before wasting money, putting out a movie. I have noticed that Ghana too is really trying when it comes to sound quality camera presentation in their movies, I just wish they will stop stealing so many popular hollywood stories and calling it their least if they are going to transplant such stories, do a better job of translating it into the African culture....and I'm talking about movies like; The king is Mine - a horrible, disgusting, verbatim copy of The other Boleyn girl, and The Maidens - also nasty copy of Season 2 of the show The Tudors......I mean,...whatever men these people are just unbelievable. But I have noticed the brilliance of Shirley Frimpong-Manso, a writer/director from Ghana, she is one to watch out for with her exceptional respect for her viewers (meaning she doesn't insult their intelligence with crap and calling it movie), which is evident in her productions. I mean she's responsible for two of some of the best African movie production (for me) thus far: "Perfect Picture" and "Life and Living it"......................................other African movie directors/writers/producers should look up to her. Anyway, I think I'm done with my 2 cents for today.

I shall come back pretty soon to fill you up with the many weird thoughts that goes on in my head, till then, c ya l8rs!!

Naomie Fals has spoketh, for the first time in 2010! xoxo