Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Writer's block....New happenings

How does one get over a "writer's block"? What is a writer's block anyway? For some time now, I believe I've been claiming to have writers block, which might have been true two years ago while I was doing my senior thesis, wait I think what I had then was more like a brain freeze than a block. Anyway, I love to write and I do. Writing for me is like letting a kid have whatever candy at the candy shop, my mind/imagination just runs wild (and I know that's true for many writers as well). And when I do write, there is no censorship whatsoever, I let it flow and come out just how my mind processes it. However of late, I realized that my brain/mind/thought process (whatever) censors out what I want to write, and that creates a hurdle/barrier for me to write freely. Is that the writer's block thing?....It is so frustrating wanting to write something and never finish it, because something in me is restricting it! I have to break this hold whatever it is......

Now I am pretty excited for new things happening in my life!! And oh I have to say this, there is a new African Theatre that just opened in city, Minneapolis, MN! called "Olurombi Theatre Company", and I am so stoked about it. This is the first theatre in MN that will exclusively, concentrate on African literature/stories/culture. It has been long overdue considering the rapid growth of African immigrants in Minnesota now, it's high time the culture makes its debut. Anyway, I am very involved in the development of this new company, and I will make sure to bring you updates often. And oh, the theatre is gearing up for its first production August 2010, and is starting to audition for a cast of their those of you in the twin cities area, let me know if you are interested so I can link you up with those in charge.

Anyway that's all for now, I have to go and fix this block/hold/freeze that's barring me from writing freely aarrrgggghhh!!

Until later, Namie Fals has spoketh, xoxo~

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