Monday, September 22, 2008

A little teary....

Just a quick thought;

Why is it that the most littlest things makes the strongest man or woman cry. I mean take the Elephant for example, as big as this animal is, it is very scared of a little, tiny winny RAT.....

I guess my question is; we claim to be so strong and un-moveable, and when major things go wrong, we tend to have our sanity and maintain composure, but once something very minute (or seems to be) happens, one tends to break down...............

I haven't cried over anything in a very long time, okay well maybe I cried when I lost a dear friend, but as in I'm not the emotional type that cries often over things, I tend to brush it off and just move on with life.........but I am such an emotional wreck right now, I don't know what's wrong with me!! I feel like i'm about to loose something. Can't really figure out if what I think it is; IS!?......I am such a wreck...........I need myself back someone help me!!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Quest of the Key Holder

The key holder is an oblivious, breath taking creature, with so much to gain yet so much to lose.
The Key holder has been given all the priviledges of this world.
The Key holder is: strong, a winner, protector, pleasure seeker and giver
But the Key holder has been on a quest that seems un-ending
The Key holder thinks it's an un-ending quest....but it's not
The Key holder is getting weary, so the key holder takes a break at different wells to quench off thirst, then finds a temorary safe haven to take frequent rests, but the Key holder gets deceived with the comfort the safe haven brings
What the key holder doesn't know is, the Lock holder is waiting patiently and yearning earnestly for the Key holder.................................................. be continued.....