Saturday, May 8, 2010

2nd Nigerian President to die in office

This is the second time, a Nigerian president will die in office, but this is the first time I am personally mourning a presidential death. Now, I cannot say the same for my fellow Nigerians, as they have grumbled and complained about this man, however I choose to acknowledge his transparency over any accomplishments expected of him, as no Nigerian president in history has ever publicly declared his assets upon taking office, save Y'aradua. And I think this speaks volume and attests to this man's integrity. Sadly, many Nigerians mistook him as a miracle worker, and expected him to fix decades of problems (caused by greedy pot bellied agbayas), in one term. Anyway, I am opting to sympathize and mourn his death just like his family and close friends will. R.I.P Mr. President
Naomie Fals has spoketh, yet again xoxo~

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